Kaplan International College 학사예비, 석사예비 2009년도 1월, 5월 개강과정 및 기간

2 Foundation, Business, Law & Social Sciences

2 Foundation, Science & Engineering

2 Graduate Diploma, Business, Law & Social Sciences

2 Graduate Diploma, Science & Engineering

2 Foundation, Business, Law & Social Sciences

2 Foundation, Science & Engineering

2 Graduate Diploma, Business, Law & Social Sciences

2 Graduate Diploma, Science & Engineering


2 Foundation, Art & Design

2 Foundation, Business, Law & Social Sciences

3 Foundation, Business, Law & Social Sciences

2 Foundation, Computing

2 Foundation, Media and Communication

2 Diploma, Business

2 Diploma, Computing

2 Graduate Diploma, Business

2 Graduate Diploma, Computing

2 Graduate Diploma, International Relations

2 Gradaute Diploma, Journalism, Media & Comms

2 Graduate Diploma, Legal Studies

3 Graduate Diploma, Business


2 Foundation, Business

2 Foundation, Social Sciences

2 Foundation, Engineering

2 Foundation, Science

2 Pre-Masters, Business, Social Sciences & Law

2 Pre-Masters, Science & Engineering

2 Foundation, Business, Law & Social Sciences

2 Foundation, Science & Engineering

2 Graduate Diploma, Business, Law & Social Sciences

2 Graduate Diploma, Science & Engineering


3 Foundation, Business, Law & Social Sciences

3 Graduate Diploma, Business, Law & Social Sciences

3 Graduate Diploma, Science & Engineering

3 Graduate Diploma, Business, Law & Social Sciences

3 Graduate Diploma, Science & Engineering

2 Foundation, Business, Law & Social Sciences

2 Foundation, Computing

3 Diploma, Business

2 Graduate Diploma, Business

3 Graduate Diploma, Business

3 Graduate Diploma, Computing

3 Graduate Diploma, International Relations

3 Graduate Diploma, Journalism, Media & Comms

3 Graduate Diploma, Legal Studies

3 Graduate Diploma, Gallery, Museum & Heritage Mgt

3 Pre-Masters, Business, Social Sciences & Law

3 Pre-Masters, Science & Engineering

3 Foundation, Business, Law & Social Sciences

3 Graduate Diploma, Business, Law & Social Sciences

3 Graduate Diploma, Science & Engineering

CES 무료 수업
CES 무료 수업남부 소도시 워딩과 런던 윔블던에 센터를 갖고 있는 CES는 영국유학센터 학생들에게 스페셜 오퍼를 제공합니다. 2주 학비로 3주 등록 또는 3주 학비로 4주 등록 워딩워딩은 영국의 생활과 문화를 체험하면서 영어를 배우기 좋은 환경을 제공합니다. 워딩은 브라이튼에서 10마일, 런던에서 1.5시간 거리입니다..
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Bell 국적비율
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10월 22일 부터 영국 비자 수수료 인상 공지
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10월 30일 SOAS 런던대 개별 인터뷰
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