11/20 (수) 리즈대학교 School of Education 입학심사관 방문

리즈대학교(University of Leeds)의 School of Education 의 입학심사팀 팀장인 Ms Sue Haines님께서 내한하셔서 School of Education 학과에 관심있는 학생분들을 대상으로 1:1 상담을 합니다.
University of Leeds, School of Education 개별 인터뷰 일정
대상: School of Education 지원예정자
소요시간: 1인당 약 30분
담당자: Ms Sue Haines, School Education Service Officer (Admissions Team Leader) and Admissions Manager (ESSL)
장소: 영국유학센터 강남본사 (강남교보센터 맞은편)
예약방법: 이메일 info@ukcentre.co.kr 또는 전화 02 6052 1020
Leeds: a great place to study
- 전세계 대학교 랭킹 100위권 내의 최상위권 대학교입니다.
- 영국 내 연구실적평가 10위권 내에 랭크되었습니다.
- Students’ Union 은 영국에서 1위를 차지했습니다. (NUS Awards 2009)
- 리즈 시내에서 도보로 10분거리에 캠퍼스가 위치하고 있습니다.
리즈대학교 School of Education 개설학과
BA English, Language and Education
BA Childhood Studies
BA English, Language and Business Enterprise
BA English, Language and Education
BA Childhood Studies
BA English, Language and Business Enterprise * From Sept. 2014
MA Childhood Studies
MA Teaching
Dip/MA English as an Additional Language and Education
MA Education
MA Science Education
MA Mathematics Education
MA Technology, Education and Learning
MA International Educational Management
MA Education and Professional Enquiry
MA Special Educational Needs
PGCert in Provision for Children with Developmental Disorders
MA TESOL Studies
MA TESOL (China)
MA TESOL for Young Learners
MA TESOL Teacher Education
MA Teaching English for Academic and Professional Purposes (TEAPP)
MSc in Educational Research Methods
MEd Clinical Education
PGCert in Clinical Education
박사과정 연구분야
Childhood and Inclusive Education
Language Education
Learning, Leadership and Policy
Science and Mathematics
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