Oxford English Centre 2월 국적비율

Oxford English Centre 2월 국적비율입니다


1. Korea              21.21%
2. Japan              15.76%
3.Saudi Arabia  10.30%
4. France              7.27%
5. Switzerland    6.67%
6. Turkey              6.06%
7. China                5.45%
8. Italy                   4.24%
9. Argentina          3.64%
9. Spain                3.64%

Libya, UAE, Germany, Qatar, Angola, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Iran, Oman, Romania, Russia, Venezuela



Spring has arrived in Oxford! Daffodils & tulips have started blooming on the school patio. Adrian (OEC caretaker) has been looking after them very well. If you happen to be in Oxford, please come and see them.

Students enjoyed a pancake party & consumed over 200 pancakes in Caramba, the OEC Cafe!

The traditional pancake is slightly thicker than a French cr?e. It is served immediately after preparation and was traditionally served with a meat-based stew, although in modern times a sprinkling of sugar

Verge is currently a student at Oxford Brookes University doing a Masters in Business Administration. At the moment he is working on the activities schedule for the school. He originally comes from South Africa where he completed his Honours Degree in Television Journalism at Rhodes University. Verge loves the tradition and beauty of Oxford but misses the lovely sunshine of his home town. Along with having an interest in media and marketing, he enjoys travelling and playing sports.

Thank you very much for reading our newsletter. If you have any contributions you would like to make, or any ideas for future issues, please let us know. The next issue will be out at the beginning of May.We will report our Easter trips which Alex has been planning. See you soon!
Frances King School of English 3월 국적비율
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Oxford English Centre 2월 국적비율
Oxford English Centre 2월 국적비율입니다 1. Korea 21.21%2. Japan 15.76%3.Saudi Arabia 10.30%4. France 7.27%5. Switzerland 6.67%6. Turkey 6.06%7. China 5.45%8. Italy 4.24%9. Argentina 3.64%9. Spain 3.64% 기타국적:Libya, UAE, Germany, Qatar, Angola, Austria, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Iran, Oman, Rom..
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