비자변경사항 안내-수정

 6월 11일부터 영국 비자 접수 비용 온라인 결제 의무화
6월 11일 19시 30분부터 한국에서 신청하는 모든 비자 신청자는 온라인 접수과정에서 미국통화(USD)로 비자 신청 수수료를 결제하여야 합니다.
신청자는 반드시 Visa나 MasterCard 로고가 있는 신용카드, 직불카드, 선불카드를 사용하거나 또는 Pay Pal 계좌를 통해 비자 수수료를 지불하여야 하며 다른 종류의 지불 방법으로는 비자 수수료를 수납할 수 없습니다

아래 원문 참고해주시길 바랍니다.
 --------------------------------대사관 공지 원문--------------------------
Mandatory online payment for UK visas in South Korea from 11 June 2012

18 May 2012
From 19:30 on 11 June 2012, all UK visa applicants in South Korea will be required to pay their visa application fee online in US dollars as part of the online application process.

You must use a credit card, debit card or pre-paid card which has a Visa or MasterCard logo or a Pay Pal account. Other methods of payment will not be accepted from this date.

Once you have applied and paid for your visa online you will need to visit the visa application centre to submit your documents and provide your biometrics (fingerprints and digital photograph). You should book an appointment to attend the visa application centre when you complete your online application form

 6개월 이상 체류 시 결핵 검사 증명서 제출 필수 (7월 예정) 

기존의 UKBA 의 공지로는 우리 나라가 추가 결핵 검열 대상국 중의 하나로 선정됨에 따라, 6개월 이상 체류하는 경우 비자 신청시 결핵검사 증명서도 함께 제출하도록 할 예정이라고 했지만, 5월 29일의 새로운 공지로 이 정책은 2013년부터 시행될것이며, 2012년도에 비자를 신청하는 학생들은 제출하지 않아도 된다고 합니다.

하지만 여전히 6개월 이상 유학하는 학생들에게는 영국 입국심사를 까다롭게 할 수 있으니 출국하는 학생들은 결핵검사 증명서 또는 엑스레이를 꼭 지참하고 가도록 권해드립니다.
아래 원문 참고해주세요.

--------------------------------대사관 공지 원문--------------------------
29 May 2012

A pre-entry tuberculosis (TB) screening programme for applicants wishing to come to the UK will be extended to 67 high incidence countries over the next 18 months, including South Korea.

We will not implement the programme in South Korea until 2013. If you are applying for a visa in 2012 you will not be affected.

The new procedure will mean if you are applying for a UK visa from South Korea for 6 months or more, regardless of your nationality, you must be screened before you apply for a UK visa. This will not apply to tourists, business visitors or other visitors, going for less than 6 months.

We will make further announcements about the programme in South Korea on this website.

Further information on the TB screening programme can be found in our recent announcement.

Pre-entry tuberculosis screening under immigration powers
Yesterday the Government announced its plans to extend pre entry tuberculosis (TB) screening to an additional 67 countries identified as having ‘high incidence’ of TB by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Full details and the written ministerial statement can be found on our website:  http://www.ukba.homeoffice.gov.uk/sitecontent/newsarticles/2012/may/42-tb-test
TB is a serious airborne infection which constitutes a global public health issue and kills an estimated 1.8 million people worldwide each year. Under the UK immigration rules the UK Border Agency can require visa applicants to undergo a medical examination for the detection of Tuberculosis (TB).
In Asia Pacific the following countries/regions are included in the list of 67 countries: China, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, South Korea, The Philippines, Burma, Mongolia and Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Solomon Islands. (Pre-entry screening in this region is already conducted in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia).
The pre-screening requirement will only affect migrants applying to enter the UK for more than 6 months and who are residents of one of the countries. It means that these migrants will be required to provide a TB test certificate in support of their visa application. This includes students applying for a Tier 4 visa.
We are keeping the dates for extending pre-entry screening to these additional countries under review but plan to begin the extended procedure from around July 2012. In the Asia Pacific region, we have no plans to introduce pre-entry screening in additional countries until after the summer peak season so students applying in these countries this summer will not be affected.
Further information will be made available in each country once implementation plans have been confirmed and we will work with you on ensuring students are aware of the change closer to implementation. 
It’s important to note that these migrants already currently undergo on-entry TB screening at the UK border but as a consequence of the change, we will begin to be phase this out at our main screening centres, Heathrow and Gatwick.
Pre-entry screening of TB provides significant benefits to overseas applicants, including:
o       More extensive and effective checks to detect TB. Pre-entry screening helps saves lives by promoting earlier detection and treatment.
o       Protecting global public health by helping prevent the transmission of TB in-flight and globally.
o       Reduced congestion and waiting times at UK airports for those coming to the UK by phasing out on-entry screening at UK ports
The UK is working with our international partners who already carry out pre-screening in these countries and the UK will be using the same methods of screening and private clinics.
You will find a summary of WHO data for high incidence TB countries here http://www.hpa.org.uk/web/HPAweb&HPAwebStandard/HPAweb_C/1195733837507


2012년 5월 주요어학원 국적비율
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비자변경사항 안내-수정
6월 11일부터 영국 비자 접수 비용 온라인 결제 의무화 6월 11일 19시 30분부터 한국에서 신청하는 모든 비자 신청자는 온라인 접수과정에서 미국통화(USD)로 비자 신청 수수료를 결제하여야 합니다. 신청자는 반드시 Visa나 MasterCard 로고가 있는 신용카드, 직불카드, 선불카드를 사용하거나 또는 Pay Pal 계좌를 통해 ..
뉴카슬대학교 장학금
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5월 1일부터 영국비자 Priority visa service 시작
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5월 1일 근로자의 날 휴무
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4월 6일부터 바뀐 학생비자조항 안내
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